Das echte Leben


DDB Wien

Art Direction, Illustration & Lettering

Videos & Photos:
Good Life Crew, HFA-Studio

Wieselburger, one of Austria’s biggest beer brands, invites you to celebrate the real moments. The ones that are best enjoyed without a smartphone, but in good company and a cold Wieselburger beer.

We worked on the summer campaign with Wieselburgers Lead-Agency DDB, who created  headlines that we worked into bold, illustrative motifs: „Ever watched the 260 Videos from the last concert?“, „The sunset is also there if you don’t take a picture“, „Real life still has the most amazing resolution“

The typography not only serves a headline but also as the main illustrative element, like a smartphone or a Wieselburger beer bottle.
The „realness“ and analogue character was expressed through the style of the illustrations, but also through the process: we hand-painted some billboards in the city, as well as on the Wieselburger brewery itself.

The campaign was visible on numerous Out-Of-Home billboards in Vienna and the east of Austria, several online media channels and on a Wieselburger cardboard 6-pack.
